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Our approach to pharmacy

Why put a pharmacy in your pocket?

At Miko, we’re focused on making sure everyone gets the most from their medicine. We know there’s a glaring mismatch between the possibilities of medicine and how much people actually benefit, once you subtract realities like stress about cost, not making it to the pharmacy before it closes, or simply just forgetting to take it. By itself, non-adherence costs EU governments €125 billion annually, and leads to 200,000 premature deaths. There is also a glaring mismatch between the possibilities of a pharmacy on your smartphone, and the cumbersome bricks n' mortar in-store experience, with close to 99% of prescriptions filled at a pharmacy counter in Ireland.

These mismatches are the force animating how we’ve chosen to reimagine the pharmacy. We’ve made prescription deliveries free (some of our partners won't offer this for free, but you will have the choice between pharmacies), and we’ve built a service that you’ll love to interact with.

Looking at the prescription process, we know that every step we remove or simplify leads to improved health. Simple as that.

Accordingly, the Miko app when launched will allow you to:

  • Try it out. Easily transfer your prescriptions and have them delivered, for free.

  • Schedule deliveries. Pick the date that’s best for you. And have your prescriptions delivered to your home or office — we’re not picky.

  • Manage your files. Upload your insurance cards, debit cards, and lists of allergies.

  • Set up a subscription. We remind you to reorder refills and to take every dose, but to save you the hassle of pressing the reorder button, you can set up a subscription and have your medicines delivered regularly.

  • Add products to your basket. You don't have to stop at medicine, you can add at-home lab tests (use case: test your vitamin levels), beauty (use case: razor blades) and wellness (use case: vitamins) products too.

We want healthcare to work for everyone, and to do this, it needs to work for the 50% of us that don't take our medicine correctly. You can find out more about how we improve patients' healthcare interactions beyond the prescription medicine sale, through an earlier blog post, which can be viewed by clicking here.

In short, put a pharmacy in your pocket, and start getting more from your health.

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